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Entering the World-Wide Web:
A Guide to Cyberspace
Course Outline
* What is the World-Wide Web?
* What is hypertext and hypermedia?o Hypermedia Examples
* What is the Internet?
* How was the Web created?
* How popular is the Web?o A Case Study - Honolulu Community College
o The Popularity of Other Web Sites
o Who Travels the Web?
o Why Is The Web So Popular?
* What does the Web look like?
* What is Mosaic?
* What can Mosaic do?
* What is available on the Web?
* How does the Web work?o HTML - The Hypertext Markup Language
o About Uniform Resource Locators
* What software is available?
* How can I get more information?o Browsers Accessible by Telnet
o General Web Information
o Information on HTML and HTTP
o Information and Reports on Multimedia and Hypermedia
o Obtaining Web Browsers and Servers
* Interesting Places on the Webo Commercial Sites
o Country Sites
o Educational Sites
o Interactive Sites
o Legal Information and Government Sites
o Literature
o Museums and Art
o Music and Audio
o Organizations
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