Learn how to optimize the performance of your Mac(r), troubleshoot,and make repairs when it acts up!
Troubleshooting and maintaining your Mac(r) doesn't have tobe a time-consuming, "hit-or-miss" proposition or costyou or your company a fortune!
In this course you'll get a look at the Macintosh(r) operatingsystem (including the System and Finder) as well as individualMacintosh(r) components and how they function. You'll learn howto identify the components most likely to fail and how to applytested, step-by-step strategies for isolating tricky problemsthat can make troubleshooting and repair time-consuming and frustrating.Plus, you'll learn about the latest Macintosh(r) technology -includingMac OS 7.5, 8.5, and X - so you can make informed decisions aboutupgrading.
What you'll learn and how you'll benefit
Diagnosing and troubleshooting ... You'll learn what to tryfirst when things go wrong. ... How to decipher error messages.... How to tell what type of Mac(r) behavior is symptomatic ofa larger problem. ... Where the most common types of malfunctionsoccur. ... Which hand tools, diagnostics, and software utilitiesyou'll need for pinpointing and fixing problems.
Repairing ... Fix problems quickly and easily with these techniques: Disassemble and remove malfunctioning parts, and install newones. ... Solve resource conflicts and incompatibilities. ...Steps you can take to recover "lost" data. ... Gettips and advice for deciding when it's best to repair a computeror replace it.
Upgrading ... Find out when you can save money by adding newerand faster cards and components to your existing system and whenit's better to buy a new one. ... How to tweak your system torun faster. ... Get information on RAM, hard disks, and peripheralsthat can enhance your Mac's performance and extend its usefulness.
Maintenance ... You'll learn simple steps you can take todayto keep performance problems to a minimum. ... Learn how to createan emergency startup disk, ... safeguard files from viruses, and... avoid the environmental conditions that wreak havoc.
Networking ... Find out how to connect your Mac(r) to a LAN.... How to use AppleTalk(r), Ethernet(r), and LocalTalk(r). ...Learn about common network security issues. ... How to protectyour data. ... How to have a secure network.
Hands-on learning and instructor demonstrations
The best part of all is that you won't have to wait until youfinish the course to roll up your sleeves and get to work. Duringthe cource, you'll work with a Mac(r) to replace system components,practice diagnosing, troubleshooting, and repairing common problemsfirsthand. Plus, you'll benefit from numerous instructor-leddemonstrations presented via computer screen projection that willserve as valuable blueprints for finding your way around Mac(r)systems and networks.
Who should participate?
1) Anyone that operates a computer lab.
2) Anyone who would make themselves available to help others .
3) Office support staff.
4) Anyone that uses a Macintosh(r) computer.
Prerequisites: Please keep in mind that this is going to focuson Macintosh(r), and that the individual must have a good workingknowledge of computer basics. Participants should have experiencesetting-up a Macintosh(r) computer and installing system software.
Course Outline
Getting to know the Mac(r) Basic components and operating platforms
o An overview of the Macintosh(r) family of computers
o Getting inside the Mac(r) to understand its components and theirfunctions:
- RAM and ROM
- Motherboard
- Power supply
- Co-processor
- Hard drive
- Floppy drive
- Keyboard
- Monitor
- Modem
o Understanding how the Mac(r) operating system works.
Troubleshooting basics
o The safety precautions you should take when upgrading or troubleshootinga Mac(r).
o The step-by-step procedures and techniques for disassemblingany Macintosh(r).
o Understanding the P.O.S.T. routine and other built-in systemtools to test for and diagnose problems.
o Diagnostic software packages available and how to use them tolocate, confirm, and repair various malfunctions.
o The first things to try when your Mac(r) acts up and what toconsider if the computer won't start at all.
o How to tell whether you're dealing with a software or hardwareproblem and tips for isolating problems quickly.
o Common system error messages and what they mean.
Troubleshooting the Mac OS(r) and software components
o How to perform a "clean" system install.
o Understanding and troubleshooting the Macintosh(r) System Folder.
o How to quickly resolve extension conflicts and how to manageyour extensions more efficiently.
o The most common causes of performance decreases.
o Handling the most common causes of random crashes, freezes,and errors.
Troubleshooting system board components
o Understanding the various types of memory, their functions,and common problems.
o How to locate and replace bad memory chips.
o Symptoms that indicate a battery problem is interfering withParameter RAM (PRAM) and how to fix it.
Troubleshooting monitors, printers, keyboards, and other input/outputdevices
o Tips for keeping your mouse or trackball in top working condition.
o Diagnosing and fixing common printer problems, including fontproblems.
Troubleshooting the storage media
o Tips for troubleshooting, defragmenting, repairing, replacing,and adding hard drives.
o How to recover lost data, reconstruct damaged files, and correctdisk errors.
o Understanding the various types of removable storage drivesavailable, including: Zip(r), Jaz(r), and Super Disk drives.
Troubleshooting communications hardware and networks
o Network cabling fundamentals and tips for keeping cable andconnector problems to a minimum.
o Setting up peripherals and other resources to be shared on a network.
o What to do if the computer you want to connect to doesn't appearin the Chooser.
Upgrades and improvements
o How to install additional RAM.
o How to install and set up internal and external hard drives.
o Upgrading your operating system and the fundamental differencesbetween system versions.
Preventive maintenance and techniques for maximizing the performance
o How to protect your Mac(r) against viruses.
o How to create an emergency startup disk.
o Routine maintenance steps you can take to keep trouble at bay.
Course Costs: $150 *
*Plus the cost of an old used Macintosh(r) computer, books,tools, software, and online Internet time all of which are NOTINCLUDED and must be supplied by you. The computer will be usedfor hands-on lab work. It must be in working condition and notbe your primary Internet access computer.
Course Hours: 3 Hours/Week Hours are arranged through theinstructor.
Course Dates: Febuary 1, 2001 through June 8, 2001 (18 weeks)
You can get started by sending us a resume (detailed description)of your computer and repair/maintenance experience by eMail orby US mail to:
David Marson
Mac Doctor
1240 South Central Ave.
Lodi, California 95240
eMail to: macdoc@calweb.com
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